Getting ready to grow (more)

A photo up Macdonell Street towards the church, filled with patios and picnic tables and umbrellas during the 2020 Dining District

In 2020 Guelph City Council endorsed the vision and principles for Shaping Guelph – Guelph’s Official Plan. The vision and principles are based on community input, and will inform the City’s growth management strategy for the next 20 years.

The Official Plan sets out what we build where, which also shapes Guelph’s social, economic, cultural, and natural environments. The Official Plan is a companion to Guelph’s Community Plan – a plan that identifies the community’s priorities to develop a welcoming and prosperous city. Together, the Official Plan and Community Plan create a strong foundation that will guide the future of Guelph.

The City’s own infrastructure renewal projects make sure Guelph is ready to keep growing as more people coming to Guelph to live, work, study and play. While people may find road closures and construction frustrating, those projects support local families and businesses and, when they’re finished, Guelph benefits from renewed water and wastewater systems, more connected sidewalks and bike lanes, and better improve flow for people in buses and cars.

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Additional 2020 highlights

Masked people taking a tour of a factory wearing lab coats and hair nets

Getting Guelph back to work

During the pandemic, the City helped local businesses find financial support, health and safety information and equipment to keep people working, and safe.

Getting Guelph back to work